Contact our musiccoordinator

Music coordinator

Birte Olsen




Contact our techinical manager for more information

Technical manager

Eigil Petersen

Cellphone +299 55 22 45

Upcoming events
  • Dida & the Foxy Ladies + open mic

    Dida & The Foxy Ladies are three women who started singing and playing guitar together in 2012. After a break of many years, they are going to play together again for the café concert in Katuaq. They play a wide variety of genres, including pop, rock, country, and both quiet and upbeat songs. They play their own songs in Greenlandic. They also play the popular songs in English. Open for everyone - Free entrance Open mic: 21:00 - 23:00

Dida & the Foxy Ladies + open mic

Dida & The Foxy Ladies are three women who started singing and playing guitar together in 2012. After a break of many years, they are going to play together again for the café concert in Katuaq. They play a wide variety of genres, including pop, rock, country, and both quiet and upbeat songs. They play their own songs in Greenlandic. They also play the popular songs in English. Open for everyone - Free entrance Open mic: 21:00 - 23:00