Interested in displaying your art in Katuaq?

Contact our eventcoordinator

Event coordinator

Maannguaq Rosing

This is how you apply

Katuaq has exhibitions in the foyer all year round with artists associated with Greenland. If you wish to exhibit in Katuaq, you are welcome to send an application that includes:


  • a short project description of the exhibition
  • images with examples of previous works.


After this, the exhibition committee will assess whether the works fulfill Katuaq's desire to convey exhibitions with high quality and variations of art from Greenland, the Nordics and Internationally.

Reserved for Greenlandic artists

Does it fit?

Katuaq determines the breadth of the exhibitions and seeks a balance between art from Greenland, the Nordics and internationally.

Application for an exhibition must be made to the exhibition committee in Katuaq, which assesses whether the exhibition fits into the exhibition series, and to Katuaq's goals for quality and breadth.


Katuaq is happy to refer artists and cultural actors to foundations and other application sites. Below are direct links to application sites, of which NAPA's website in particular has relevant links to application sites:

Grønlands Selvstyrets tilskudsordninger

NAPA - Nordens Institut i Grønland


Kulturkontakt Nord

Present exhibition