• Hungry?

    Have a taste of our deliscious dishes in the café or order them to go

    View menu
  • Opening hours

    Check the opening hours here, since they vary depending on events

    Opening hours
  • Our new colleague?

    Strengthen your CV and become part of a young team, with opportunities for development.

    View job postings

Breakfast & brunch

Local ressources

Local dishes

Burger & Cinema offer

Our popular smoothies
  • Malina

    Mango, pinapple, orangejuice

  • Tikiusaaq

    Blueberries, strawberry, banana, outmilk

  • Niviarsiaq

    Strawberry, banana, milk

Book a table

Make a reservation or order takeout by contacting:

Order takout or book a table


Dir. +299 36 37 72
