Katuaq's organization consists of 5 departments: the events department, technical department, cinema and reception, the financial department and café & conferences.
Katuaq has approx. 19 monthly employees and approx. 42 hourly employees, which corresponds to approx. 43 man-years.

Become part of the community and contribute to the entire cultural life of Greenland by starting your job here in Katuaq. We also receive unsolicited applications.
Ivaaq Kriegel
Carla Fussing
Economy trainee
Angutinnguaq Filemonsen
Finance and personnel manager
Jon Nuko Fridberg
Café & Conferences
Conference trainee
Nuunu Jonassen
Conference coordinator
Tanja Sommer
Arnarissoq Christensen
Head Chef
Inooraq Steenholdt
Event Department
Event manager
Jakob Søvndahl Skovaa
Music coordinator
Birte Olsen
Event coordinator
Maannguaq Rosing
Event trainee
Tukummeq Korneliussen
Cinema & Front desk manager
Ruth Heilmann
Film booker
Qillannguaq Berthelsen
Techical assistance & cleaning
Technical manager
Eigil Petersen
Janitor & Driver
Jakob Lerch
Dir. +299 48 25 10

Decision makers
Katuaq is an independent business foundation (self-governing institution) which receives operating support from Greenland's Home Government and Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. The building is owned by Katuaq I/S, which consists of the home government and Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. Katuaq is a tenant and therefore pays rent to Katuaq I/S.